Cry for the bird with broken wings 
Cry for the world that will not spin 
Cry for the loss of innocense 
Cry for a love, turned loveless 

Sometimes I think of you, when I'm alone 

Oh no Cry ... 

Nothing will ever be the same 
All is ruined and put to shame 
Tears and stars are one and the same 
When I look up through my focused lens 

But sometimes I think of you, when I'm alone 

Oh no Cry ... tears and stars confide, collide then die 
Deep inside tears run dry, but I cry and cry. 

Tiger skins and elephant tusks 
In guilted mountains seep disgust 
I look at you and I want to speak 
For once in a while be a man and weep 
'cos all the dolphins and whales have gone 
All good tidings and hopes have blown 
All our nightmares are flying home 
And it's too late to do anything but ... 

Cry ... tears and stars confide, collide then die 
Deep inside tears run dry, but I cry and cry 
Cry ...